Printable list of fruits and vegetables

Printable List of fruits and vegetables16
FruitsCarbsServing SizeGramsVegetablesCarbsSering Size Grams
Apples 25 grams1 medium182Artichoke13 grams1 medium128
Apricots18 grams1 cup, sliced165Arugula0.4 grams0.5 cup10
Avocado20 garms1 cup, mashed or pureed230Asparagus0.6 grams1 spear, medium16
Banana25 grams1 medium118Beets13 grams1 cup136
Blackberries14 grams1 cup144Bok Choy1.5 grams1 cup70
Blackcurrant17 grams1 cup112Broccoli10 grams1 NLEA serving148
Cantalope45 grams1 melon, medium552Brussel Sprouts8 grams1 cup88
Cherries19 grams1 cup, without pits155Cabbage1.3 grams1 leaf, medium23
Clementine9 grams1 fruit74Carrot6 grams1 medium61
Coconut60 grams1 medium397Cauliflower29 grams1 head, medium588
Cranberries33 grams0.33 cup40Celery3 grams1 cup101
Dates110 grams1 cup, chopped147Collards2 grams1 cup, chopped36
Dragonfruit21 grams1 cup227Cucumber4 grams1 cup104
Figs8 gramsone small40Edamame15 grams1 cup155
Grapefruit13 grams0.5 fruit123Eggplant4.8 grams1 cup, cubes82
Grapes16 grams1 cup92Fennel6 grams1 cup, sliced87
Guava 8 grams1 fruit, without refuse55Ginger Root2 grams5 slices11
Honeydew12 grams1 NLEA serving134Green Beans7 grams1 cup, 1/2″ pieces100
Jackfruit38.3 grams1 cup165Horseradish2 grams1 tablespoon15
Kiwifruit10 grams1 fruit69Leeks0.8 grams1 slice6
Kumquat3 grams1 fruit without refuse19Kale1 gram1 cup21
Lemon5 grams1 fruit58Lettuce1 gram1 cup shredded36
Lychee1.6 grams1 fruit without refuse9.6Mushrooms0.6 grams1 medium18
Lime7 grams1 fruit67Mustard Greens2.6 grams1 cup, chopped56
Nectarine15 grams1 medium142Okra7 grams1 cup100
Olives0.2 grams1 small3.2Parsnip24 grams1 cup slices133
Orange11 grams1 small96Peas21 grams1 cup145
Papaya16 grams1 cup145Pepper6 grams1 medium119
Passion Fruit4.2 grams1 fruit without refuse18Pumpkin8 grams1 cup116
Pear27 grams1 medium178Radishes0.2 grams1 medium4.5
Peaches15 grams1 medium 147Onions10 grams1 medium110
Pineapple119 grams1 fruit905Rutabaga33 grams1 medium386
Plantain57 grams1 medium179Shallots1.7 grams1 tbsp chopped10
Pomegranate28.8 grams1 fruit154Snow Peas7.5 grams3.5 ounce serving100
Plums8 grams1 fruit66Spinach1.1 grams1 cup30
Prunes111 grams1 cup, pitted174Squash6 grams1 medium196
Raspberries15 grams1 cup123Sugar Peas7.5 grams3.5 ounce serving100
Rhubarb6 grams1 cup, diced122Sweet Potato27 grams1 cup, cubes133
Strawberries0.9 grams1 medium12Swiss Chard1.3 grams1 cup36
Tangerine 12 grams1 medium88Turnip8 grams1 medium122
Watermelon21 grams1 NLEA serving280Zucchini6 grams1 medium196

Are you looking for a convenient way to plan your meals and make healthy choices at the grocery store? Look no further! We have a comprehensive printable list of fruits and vegetables that you can use for free. This handy chart categorizes a variety of fruits and vegetables, making it easy for you to keep track of what you need and what you’ve tried.

With our printable fruit and vegetable list, you can have a visual guide to help you stay organized and ensure you incorporate a wide range of produce into your diet. Simply print out the chart and take it with you on your next shopping trip.

Not only is this printable list helpful for your personal use, but it can also be a fun way to get creative with fruits and vegetables. Why not make it a challenge to try new fruits and veggies each week? Share your progress with friends and family and even enter our giveaway for a chance to win a gift card!

So, don’t miss out on this free printable list of fruits and vegetables. Download and print your chart today, and start enjoying the benefits of incorporating more nutritious produce into your meals!

Checklist of Fruits and Vegetables

Use this printable checklist to keep track of the fruits and vegetables you’ve tried. The list includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, from artichokes and asparagus to zucchini and zucchini squash. It’s a great way to encourage kids to try new fruits and veggies and make healthy eating fun.

Teaching kids about healthy eating habits can sometimes be challenging. However, with this handy checklist, you can make it an exciting venture. Let your children mark off each fruit and vegetable they try, giving them a sense of accomplishment and adventure as they explore a rainbow of flavors and textures.

Encouraging kids to eat a diverse range of fruits and vegetables is crucial for their overall health and development. By using this checklist, you can introduce them to new and nutritious foods, expand their palates, and promote healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

How to Use the Checklist

The checklist is easy to use. Simply print it out or use it digitally, and keep it in a place where you and your kids can easily access it, such as the kitchen or dining area. As you buy or harvest different fruits and vegetables, mark them off the checklist. You can also include any additional information or notes, such as your family’s favorite recipes or ways to prepare each item.

Benefits of Using the Checklist

  • Track your progress: The checklist allows you to see at a glance which fruits and vegetables your family has explored and which ones are yet to be discovered. It’s a visual reminder of the variety and abundance of healthy foods available.
  • Encourage variety: With a comprehensive list like this, you can challenge yourself to try new fruits and vegetables regularly. It helps break the monotony of eating the same things and encourages you to embrace a wider range of flavors and nutrients.
  • Promote family engagement: By involving your kids in the decision-making process and having them actively participate in trying new foods, you can create a positive and engaging family dining experience.

Remember, the goal is not to rush through the checklist but to gradually introduce new fruits and vegetables into your family’s diet. Celebrate each little victory and enjoy the journey of discovering new flavors and textures together.

Fruits on the Printable List

The printable list of fruits and vegetables not only offers a convenient way to plan your grocery shopping but also includes a wide array of delicious and nutritious fruits to choose from. Whether you’re a fan of crisp apples or juicy watermelons, this list has got you covered. Here are some popular fruits you’ll find on the printable list:

ApplesCrisp and refreshing, apples are packed with vitamins and fiber.
BananasA versatile fruit that’s great for snacking or adding to smoothies.
GrapesSmall, sweet, and available in a variety of colors, grapes are a delightful snack.
OrangesJuicy and full of vitamin C, oranges are a classic favorite.
StrawberriesSweet and vibrant, strawberries are perfect for desserts, salads, or simply enjoying on their own.
WatermelonCool and hydrating, watermelon is a delicious summer treat.

These are just a few examples of the fruits you’ll find on the printable list. Remember to explore and try different fruits to discover new favorites and enjoy the benefits of a varied and nutritious diet.

Vegetables on the Printable List

The printable list offers a diverse selection of vegetables for you to explore and incorporate into your meals. From nutritious greens to vibrant root vegetables, this resource is a valuable tool for meal planning and ensuring a well-rounded diet.


Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable packed with essential nutrients. It’s a great source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. Incorporating broccoli into your meals can contribute to healthy digestion and provide immune-boosting benefits.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are small, leafy green vegetables that are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin K and offer potential health benefits, such as promoting heart health and supporting a healthy gut.


Spinach is a leafy green vegetable that is known for its high nutritional value. It’s a rich source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron and magnesium. Adding spinach to your meals can help support healthy bones, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall well-being.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a versatile and nutrient-dense vegetable. They are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants. Incorporating sweet potatoes into your diet can support eye health, boost immunity, and provide a delicious addition to your meals.

With the wide variety of vegetables available on the printable list, you have endless options for creating nutritious and flavorful meals. Explore different cooking methods, experiment with new recipes, and enjoy the benefits of incorporating these nutrient-rich vegetables into your diet.

Fun Facts About Fruits and Vegetables

Discover some interesting facts about fruits and vegetables that will make you appreciate their nutritional value and benefits.

  • Bell peppers: Did you know that bell peppers are a great source of vitamin C and come in different colors? From red and yellow to green and orange, these vibrant vegetables are not only visually appealing but also packed with essential nutrients.
  • Broccoli: Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that belongs to the cabbage family. It is rich in vitamins K and C, as well as fiber. Additionally, studies suggest that consuming cruciferous vegetables like broccoli may help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

These fun facts highlight just a few examples of the fascinating world of fruits and vegetables. Exploring the variety and health benefits of different produce options can inspire you to incorporate more of them into your diet.

Keep exploring the remarkable world of fruits and vegetables to discover even more intriguing facts that will make your healthy eating journey even more enjoyable.

The Importance of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, they offer numerous benefits that contribute to overall well-being.

Incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables into your meals can provide your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs to function optimally. These nutrient powerhouses are known to boost the immune system, promote healthy digestion, and support heart health.

Furthermore, fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, making them an excellent choice for weight management and maintaining a healthy body weight. The high fiber content keeps you fuller for longer, helping to curb overeating and unnecessary snacking.

Additionally, studies have shown that diets rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The antioxidants found in these natural wonders have been linked to lower inflammation and oxidative stress, which are known to contribute to the development of these diseases.

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